NAME COE_get_current_profiles DESCRIPTION This program returns the current user's selected profiles. USEAGE COE_get_current_profiles [options] OPTIONS -h Prints a useage line. -H Prints this man page. -V Prints the version number. PARAMETERS None. OUTPUTS If the -h option is present or if the calling syntax is incorrect, the procedure prints a "useage" statement. If the -H option is present, the procedure prints this man page. If the -V option is present, the procedure prints the version number. Otherwise, information is written to standard output in the following format: : DIAGNOSTICS The exit status reflects status or error conditions. Exit status is zero if processing is successful. Exit status is non-zero if an error condition occurred during processing. For a description of the error, see COE_get_error_string. DATE LAST UPDATED May 1, 2003