#!/h/COE/Comp/PERL5/bin/perl -T -I/h/COE/lib -w #- # Copyright (C) 2002, Federal Linux Systems # License: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 #- use strict; use Coe; my $PRGM="COE_get_profileapp_data"; my $VERSION=""; if (@ARGV == 0) { &useage; exit 202; } sub useage { print "Useage: $PRGM [options] "; print "\"\" \n"; } my $a; my $arg1; my $coedat; my $COEDAT; my $COEERR; my $i; my $profile; my $scope; my @a; my @app; my @profapp; while (@ARGV > 0 ){ $arg1=cleanString(shift,1); if ("$arg1" eq "-h") { useage; exit 0; } elsif ("$arg1" eq "-H") { coeMan("COE_COMP/UserMgmt/docs/man/$PRGM"); exit 0; } elsif ("$arg1" eq "-V") { print "VERSION: $VERSION\n"; exit 0; } else { $profile=$arg1; $scope=cleanString(shift,1); } } # Get the appropriate ProfileApp.dat COEDAT for this scope if ("$scope" eq "l" || "$scope" eq "local") { $scope="local"; } elsif ("$scope" eq "g" || "$scope" eq "global") { $scope="global"; } else { useage; exit 202; } # Grep for the Profile in the ProfileApp.dat COEDAT # And then strip the profile name leaving just the name of the app $i=0; $coedat=coeFileConv "COE_USER/$scope/Profiles/.ProfileApp.dat"; $COEDAT=readFile($coedat); while (<$COEDAT>) { chomp(); if (/^$profile:/) { s/^.*://; $app[$i++]=$_; } } close $COEDAT; #foreach (@app) { print "$_";} # Get details for the Applications assigned to this profile $i=0; $coedat=coeFileConv "COE_USER/$scope/Profiles/.AppData.dat"; foreach (@app) { $a=cleanString($_,3); $COEDAT=readFile($coedat); while (<$COEDAT>) { if (/^$a:/) { $profapp[$i++]=$_; } } close $COEDAT; } #- set COEERR to no app/profiles found $COEERR=209; foreach (@profapp) { $_=cleanString($_,3); @a=split(':'); print "$a[0]:$a[1]:$a[2]:$a[5]:$a[3]:$a[4]\n"; #- reset COEERR to success $COEERR=0; } exit $COEERR;