Create New User

This procedure describes how to create a new COE user using the UAM (User/Application Manager) UAM_Manager application.

TABLE: Create New User
Step Instruction Results
Login to the workstation as the "secman" user.
Starts a desktop session.
On the toolbar, select the "ApplicationManager" icon.
Opens the "ApplicationManager" window.
Select: SSO Default -> UAM_Manager
Opens the "UAM Manager" window.
Select: Edit -> Users -> New
Opens the "New User" window.

Note that the UID is prepopulated with the next available local uid.
In the "User Name" field, enter the user name.

In the "Full Name" field, enter the full user name.

In the "UID" field, enter a local UID.

In the "Password" field, enter the new password.

In the "Confirm Password" field, reenter the new password.

In the "Password" field, reenter the new password.

In the "User Scope" field, select the user scope.

In the "Default Profile" field, select the parent profile/account group to assign to this user.

The "Primary Group" is selected based on "Default Profile."

In the "Profiles" tab, select the profiles to assign to this user.

In the "Groups" tab, select the groups to assign to this user.

Select the [Create] button.
The application will pause while the new user is created.

Closes the "New User" window.
Select: Root Table -> Users -> the new user -> COE User Data
The new user data is displayed in the right hand panel.
Select: Root Table -> Users -> the new user -> COE User/Profile Data
The new profiles assigned to this user are displayed.
Select: File -> Exit
Closes the "UAM Manager" window.