Verify OpenCOE Kernel Installation

This procedures provides some simple tests to verify the correct installation of the OpenCOE kernel. You will login as secman to create a new system administrator and login as the administrator to install a test application. It is assumed that the OpenCOE components are installed in their default locations. If they are not, you may need to adjust the commandline calls.

TABLE: Verify OpenCOE Kernel Installation
Step Instruction Results
Login to the workstation as "secman".
Begins a desktop session.
Select the "Profile" icon from the toolbar.

Alternately, open an xterm and enter: /h/COE/bin/ProfileSelector
Opens the "Profile Selector" window.
In the "Available" list, select the "SSO Default:l" profile.

Select the ">" button.

Select the "OK" button.
Sets the current profile to "SSO Default;l".

Closes the "Profile Selector" window.
Select the "Menu" icon from the toolbar.

Alternately, open an xterm and enter: /h/COE/bin/ApplicationManager
Opens the "ApplicationManager" window.
Expand the "SSO Default" profile.

Double-click the "UAM_Manager" application.
Opens the "UAManager" window.
From the menu, select: Edit-> Profiles-> New
Opens the "Edit Profile" window.
In the "Profile Name" field, enter: sysprof1

In the "Account Group" field, select: System Admin

In the "Profile Lock" field, select: 0

In the "Scope" window, field: local

In the "Apps" tab, select: COE Installer

Select the "Create" button.
Creates a new profile named "system1".

Closes the "Edit Profile" window.
From the menu, select: Edit-> Users-> New
Opens the "Edit User" window.
In the "User Name" field, enter: sysad1

In the "Full Name" field, enter: Test Administrator

In the "UID" field, leave the default value.

In the "Password" field, enter a password.

In the "Confirm Password" field, reenter the password.

In the "User Scope" field, select: local

In the "Default Profile" field, select: SA Default;l

In the "Profiles" tab, select and add: system1;l

In the "Groups" tab, select and add: STAFF

Select the "Create" button.
Creates a new profile named "sysas1".

Closes the "Edit User" window.
In the left hand panel, select: Root Table-> Users-> sysad1-> COE User Data
The right hand panel displays the "User Data" for "sysad1"
In the left hand panel, select: Root Table-> Users-> sysad1-> COE User/Profile Data
The right hand panel displays the "User/Profile Data" for "sysad1"
In the left hand panel, select: Root Table-> Profiles-> system1-> COE Profile Data
The right hand panel displays the "Profile Data" for "system1"
In the left hand panel, select: Root Table-> Profiles-> system1-> COE Profile/App Data
The right hand panel displays the "Profile/App Data" for "system1"
From the menu, select: File-> Exit
Closes the "UAManger" window.
Closes the desktop session.
Login to the workstation as "sysad1".
Begins a desktop session.
Select the "Profile" icon from the toolbar.

Alternately, open an xterm and enter: /h/COE/bin/ProfileSelector
Opens the "Profile Selector" window.
In the "Available" list, select the "system1;l" profile.

Select the ">" button.

Select the "OK" button.
Sets the current profile to "system1;l".

Closes the "Profile Selector" window.
Select the "Menu" icon from the toolbar.

Alternately, open an xterm and enter: /h/COE/bin/ApplicationManager
Opens the "ApplicationManager" window.
Expand the "system1" profile.

Double-click the "COE_Installer" application.
Opens the "COEInstaller" window.
In the source panel, select the [Select] button.
Opens the "Source Selection" window.
In the "Disk" field, enter: file://localhost/h/COE/data/NET_SERVER

Select the [OK] button.
Closes the "Source Selection" window.
In the source panel, select the [Read] button.
The "Testapp" appears in the "Software Available" panel.
In the "Software Available" panel, select the "Testapp" entry.

Select the [Install] button.
The "Testapp" appears in the "Software Installed" panel.
In the "Software Installed" panel, select the "Testapp" entry.

Select the [Deinstall] button.
The "Testapp" is removed from the "Software Installed" panel.
Select the [Exit] button.
Closes the "COEInstaller" window.
Logoff the workstation
Closes the desktop session.