#!/h/COE/Comp/PERL5/bin/perl -T -I/h/COE/lib  -w
use strict;
use Coe;

my $VERSION="";
my $PRGM="COEFindSeg";

my $arg1;
my $file="";
my $flag="false";
my $flagclass=0;
my $segflag="false";
my $i=0;
my $path="";
my $ret;
my $seginfo="";
my $segname="";
my $segpath="";
my $segver="";
my $thisfile="";
my @class;
my @d;
my @date;
my @disk;
my @n;
my @segname;
my @segpath;
my @segtype;
my @t;
my @v;
my @version;
my @SEG;
	# SEG[0]=dummy field for sort
	# SEG[1]=segname
	# SEG[2]=segtype
	# SEG[3]=segpath
	# SEG[4]=version
	# SEG[5]=install date
	# SEG[6]=patches
	# SEG[7]=classification

sub openFile;
sub readFile;
sub getCoeHome;
sub getCoeAcct;
sub getCoeApps;
sub getCoeCots;
sub getCoeComp;
sub sortByField;

while (@ARGV > 0 ){
	if ("$arg1" eq "-h") {
   		exit 0;
	} elsif ("$arg1" eq "-H") {
   		exit 0;
	} elsif ("$arg1" eq "-V") {
   		print "VERSION: $VERSION\n";
   		exit 0;
	} else {

#my @SEGPATH=("/h", "/h/COTS", "/h/AcctGrps", "/h/COE/Comp") ;
my @SEGPATH=(getCoeApps, getCoeCots, getCoeAcct, getCoeComp, getCoeHome) ;

# --+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|
# Standard Output
# --+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|
# The IP Address of this machine is : 
# The Host name of this machine: # The number of installed segments on this machine is : # SegName:Type:SegDir:Version:Date:[Patches] # --+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----| # COE 3.1 Output # --+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----| # output header -- style COE 3.1 #
: # # index : segment_name : segment_type : home_directory : # segment_version : date_of_installation : patches # --+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----| foreach (@SEGPATH) { $path = coeFileConv("$_"); $file = coeFileConv("$segname"); #opendir DIR, "$path/$file" || #die "$0: cannot open dir $path/$file: $_\n"; #while ($file = readdir DIR) { #if ("$file" !~ /^\./) { $thisfile = "$path/$file/SegDescrip/Installed"; $thisfile = coeFileConv($thisfile); if (-e "$thisfile") { #my $FILE = readFile("$thisfile"); #while (<$FILE>) { open FILE, "$thisfile"; while () { if ("$_" ne "not installed") { # - inititialize record $SEG[0]=""; $SEG[1]=""; $SEG[2]=""; $SEG[3]=""; $SEG[4]=""; $SEG[5]=""; $SEG[6]=""; $SEG[7]=""; # get SegName and SegType $SEG[3]=coeFileConv("$path"); $segname=coeFileConv("$path/$file/SegDescrip/SegName"); my $SEGNAME=readFile("$segname"); while (<$SEGNAME>) { if (/\$NAME/) { @n=split(":"); chomp($n[1]); $SEG[1]=$n[1]; } elsif (/\$TYPE/) { @t=split(":"); chomp($t[1]); $SEG[2]=$t[1]; } } close $SEGNAME; } } } #} closedir DIR; } if ("$SEG[1]" ne "" ) { print "$SEG[3] : $SEG[1] : $segname : $SEG[2] : \n"; exit 0; } else { print "Not Found\n"; exit 1; }