#!/h/COE/Comp/PERL5/bin/perl -T -I/h/COE/lib  -U
 # Copyright (C) 2002, Federal Linux Systems
 # License: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1
 # need -U to allow rmtree
 # drop -w for insecure dependency warning

use strict;
use Coe;
use File::Path;

my $PRGM="COE_delete_all_profile_locks";
my $VERSION="";

if (@ARGV == 0) {
	exit 202;

sub useage {
	print "Useage: $PRGM [options] \n";

my $arg1;
my $pscope="all";
my $coedat;
my $perm="0777";

if ("$arg1" eq "-h") {
	exit 0;
} elsif ("$arg1" eq "-H") {
	exit 0;
} elsif ("$arg1" eq "-V") {
	print "VERSION: $VERSION\n";
   	exit 0;
} else {

if ("$pscope" eq "l" || "$pscope" eq "local" ) {
} elsif ("$pscope" eq "g" || "$pscope" eq "global" ) {
} else {

if ("$pscope" ne "global") {
	# set the path to the locked profile directory
	$coedat=coeFileConv "COE_USER/local/Profiles/.LockedProfiles";
	rmtree $coedat;
	mkdir $coedat;
	chmod oct($perm), $coedat;

if ("$pscope" ne "local") {
	# set the path to the locked profile directory
	$coedat=coeFileConv "COE_USER/global/Profiles/.LockedProfiles";
	rmtree $coedat;
	mkdir $coedat;
	chmod oct($perm), $coedat;

exit 0;