#!/h/COE/Comp/PERL5/bin/perl -T -I/h/COE/lib  
 # Copyright (C) 2002, Federal Linux Systems
 # License: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1
 # Suppress warnings on all "get" calls

use strict;
use Coe;

my $PRGM="COE_get_user_profile_data";
my $VERSION="";

if (@ARGV == 0) {
   	exit 202;

sub useage {
	print "[options] [{-p \"\"} ";
	print "{-sp } {-su } {-u }]\n";

my $uscope="all";
my $pscope="all";
my $profile="all";
my $userid="all";
my $arg1;
my $i;
my $coedat;
my $coedatstr;
my $flaguser="false";
my $flagprofile="false";
my $flaguserprof="false";

sub readUserProf;

while (@ARGV > 0 ) {
	if ("$arg1" eq "-h") {
   		exit 0;
	} elsif ("$arg1" eq "-H") {
   		exit 0;
	} elsif ("$arg1" eq "-V") {
   		print "VERSION: $VERSION\n";
   		exit 0;
	} elsif ("$arg1" eq "-sp") {
	} elsif ("$arg1" eq "-su") {
	} elsif ("$arg1" eq "-u") {
	} elsif ("$arg1" eq "-p") {
	} else {
   		exit 202;

if ("$uscope" eq "l" || "$uscope" eq "local") {
	$uscope = "local";
} elsif ("$uscope" eq "g" || "$uscope" eq "global") {
	$uscope = "global";
} else {
	$uscope = "all";

if ("$pscope" eq "l" || "$pscope" eq "local") {
	$pscope = "local";
} elsif ("$pscope" eq "g" || "$pscope" eq "global") {
	$pscope = "global";
} else {
	$uscope = "all";

# two keys to this: 1=UID, 2=Profile
# uid:username:uscope:profile:pscope:plock:abbrev:acct group

if ("$uscope" ne "global") {
	if ("$pscope" ne "global") {
		readUserProf $userid, "local", $profile, "local";
	if ("$pscope" ne "local") {
		readUserProf $userid, "local", $profile, "global";

if ("$uscope" ne "local") {
	if ("$pscope" ne "global") {
		readUserProf $userid, "global", $profile, "local";
	if ("$pscope" ne "local") {
		readUserProf $userid, "global", $profile, "global";

if ("$flaguser" eq "false") {
	exit 203;
} elsif ("$flaguserprof" eq "false") {
	exit 208;
} elsif ("$flagprofile" eq "false") {
	exit 204;
} else {
	exit 0;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub readUserProf {
	my ($uid, $uscp, $pro, $pscp)=@_;
	my $su="local";
	my $sp="local";

	my @luid;
	my @guid;
	my @d;
	my @dat;
	my @p;
	my @prof;
	my @u;

	if ("$uscp" eq "local") {$su="l";}
	if ("$uscp" eq "global") {$su="g";}
	if ("$pscp" eq "local") {$sp="l";}
	if ("$pscp" eq "global") {$sp="g";}

	# get the UIDs
	if ("$uid" eq "all") {
		while (<$COEDAT>) { $luid[$i++]=cleanString($_,3); }
	} else {
		while (<$COEDAT>) { 
			if (/^$uid:/) {
	close $COEDAT;
	# get the profiles assigned to this profile
	foreach (@luid) {
		# get the profiles for this uid
		while (<$COEDAT>) { 
			if ("$pro" eq "all" && /^$u[0]:$uscp:/) { 
			} elsif (/^$u[0]:$uscp:$pro$/) { 
		close $COEDAT;
		foreach (@prof) {
			if ("$p[2]" ne "" ) {
				# get the data for this profile
				while (<$COEDAT>) { 
					if (/^$p[2]:/) { 
				close $COEDAT;
				foreach (@dat) {
			      		print "$u[0]:$u[1]:$su:$p[2]:$sp:";
					print "$d[2]:$d[3]:$d[1]\n";
