
	This program enters new application data into the User/Profile database.

	COE_add_app_data [options] "" "" 
		"" ""   [""]

	The combination of the ApplicationLabel and AcctGroup must be unique. 
	Multiple entries for the same ApplicationLabel may exist, but each
	entry must be assigned to a different account group.


	-h	Prints a useage line. 
	-H	Prints this man page.
	-V	Prints the version number.

	1. ApplicationLabel - A quoted string containing the application's
		label. The label may contain spaces and underscores, but no
		other non-alphanumeric characters are allowed.
	2. AppName - A quoted string with no spaces containing a short name
		for the application. The AppName must match the "Action" name
		in a Common Desktop Environment (CDE) action definition file
		for the application to be executable from the CDE desktop.
	3. AcctGroup - A quoted string containing the name of an account 
		group the application affects.
	4. Icon - A string containing the full path of the executable to be
		launched when the application is selected.
	5. Executable - A string containing the full path of the executable
		to be launched when the application is selected.
	6. Scope - A character (l for local, g for global, a for all)
		representing the affected database.
	7. ExecArgs - A quoted string containing the arguments for the
		executable. This is an optional parameter.

	If the -h option is present or if the calling syntax is incorrect,
	the procedure prints a "useage" statement. If the -H option is present,
	the procedure prints this man page. If the -V option is present, 
	the procedure prints the version number. Otherwise, there is no output.

	The exit status reflects status or error conditions. Exit status 
	is zero if processing is successful. Exit status is non-zero if an 
	error condition occurred during processing. For a description 
	of the error, see COE_get_error_string.

	May 1, 2003